Illegal Stamp Issues |
The Philatelic Webmasters Organization helps the UPU and the postal administrations in their fight against the illegal issues. For this reason we publish below the UPU Circular No. 201, from May 7, 2001, signed by Mr. K J S McKeown Director of Communications and Postal Markets, UPU.
The postal administration of COMOROS has informed the Universal Postal Union as follows:
"Our administration has been informed of the existence on the philatelic market of several different sets of postage stamps with various designs, some bearing the inscription "REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE DES COMORES", and others the inscription "REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE ISLAMIQUE DES COMORES" (see annex). Some of these sets have even been found on various Internet sites in Europe and the United States of America.
"We wish to point out that these postage stamps are illegal and are being issued without our knowledge. The circulation of these stamps is causing moral and economic harm not only to the Comorian postal services, but also to collectors. Their circulation also discredits the Comorian postal services in the eyes of philatelists worldwide and forces collectors to distinguish between fake and authentic postage stamps.
"These fake postage stamps have been issued in violation of the provisions of the Universal Postal Convention and its Letter Post Regulations and of the laws of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros.
"These stamps and any similar stamp are to be regarded as illegal and may not be used as a means of postal prepayment. Nor do they have any value for purposes of collection on behalf of our country.
"Consequently, we would ask all postal administrations not to accept correspondence bearing these forged stamps. Legal action has already been initiated to trace the forgers and bring them to justice."
Description of the illegal postage stamps with various designs, some bearing the inscription
REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE DES COMORES, and others the inscription
One souvenir sheet "OCEAN LIFE" with values of 100, 150, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 Comorian francs (CF).
One souvenir sheet "HORSES" with values of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 CF.
One souvenir sheet "PANDAS" with values of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 CF.
One miniature sheet featuring boxer Muhammad Ali, with a value of 1125 CF.
Two miniature sheets featuring the American baseball player Babe Ruth, with a value of 1125 CF.
Eleven miniature sheets featuring various personalities: airplane pilots, a scientist, a racing car driver, Pope John Paul II, a man walking on the moon, various explorers, the man behind the Zeppelin airships.
Fauna and flora set:
Harpe Costata, 25 CF
Volute Lapponica Line, 50 CF
Ylan ylang, 150 CF
Tortue Ghetonia Mydas, 100 CF
Poulpe Octopus Vulgaris, 125 CF
Coelacanthe, 300 CF
Tellina Variegata Linné, 300 CF
Hibiscus, 25 CF
Tournesol des Comores, 50 CF
More information about the illegal issues can be obtained directly from the UPU, Mrs. Maria Libera.