Sites Showing/Selling Illegal Stamps
A certain number of illegal stamps which are the subject of IB Circulars, distributed by the UPU at the request of its member countries, could and can still be found on the Internet sites listed below. We strongly advise all collectors to be wary of such "so-called stamps" and to double-check the authenticity of whatever they see on these sites.
Delcampe.com , Belgium
Marlen Stamp & Coin Ltd., NY, USA
Dealers Selling Illegal Stamps on eBay
Unfortunately, some dealers and collectors put up illegal stamps for auction on eBay and Delcampe to be sold to unsuspecting people. We remind that the eBay rules assert that sellers assume all responsibility for listing their items. For this reason we warmly recommend to all dealers to check out on this site for the legality of their philatelic items before offering them for sale. We also suggest to all potential buyers to use the information provided on this site before bidding for contemporary stamps.
The following sellers either were contacted by the Philatelic Web Watch or its readers, and they declined to answer or to withdraw their offers or they have systematically offered illegal samps:
gambori, Location: California. Country: USA. Proposed illegals from: Russian Federation
excollectibles. Location: Manchester NH. Country: USA. Proposed illegals from: Angola. Also newer from Comoros.
lbphilatel. Wilmington, USA. Proposed illegals from: Angola.
pantonisse. Uden, Netherlands. Proposed illegals from: Rwanda.
henny48. Hong Kong. Illegals from Comoros.
ltsung, Ontario, Canada. Illegals from Niger, etc.
The readers are invited to send directly to the dealers that are selling illegal stamps an e-mail with the following contents:
Your following ... lot(s) offer stamps ostensibly issued by XXXX (country name) but which, according to the International Bureau Circular number YYY of Month, Year, were produced without the authority of the Postal administration of XXXX. According to the UPU these are illegal stamps. We recommend you, in the interest of philately, to abstain in the future from this kind of activity, and we will inform the Philatelic Web Watch about eventual future relapses.
Please send each time a CC e-mail to us (remove "spaam"), and let us know in about a week if the dealer hasn't complied with the recommendations of the UPU.
Some reactions from sellers to whom we explained in personal e-mails why should they abstain in the future from such a doubtful commercial activity and from readers:
From the Iinternational Bureau of the Universal Postal Union (Sept. 18, 2002)
I would like to this opportunity to express again our gratitude to the PWO for the assistance you are providing the UPU in watching out for the sellers of illegal stamps.
Maria S. Libera
Programme Manager, Markets Development
Directorate of Communications and Markets
International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union